I am trying to overcome obstacles,
With nimble fingers and a fractured heart
I persist
With trembeling knees and a wavering voice,
I stand firm and say
"You won't beat me!"
I know heartache for the first time,
with all of it's delusions and lies...
Still I persist.
Remembering to breathe,
Remembering to awake,
Remembering to dress...
One day, I will be ok,
and I will know,
that I can endure,
I can survive,
I can thrive and enjoy
this thing called life.
OPNSense and checking what is blocking
2 months ago
Good words--remember to breathe!
One breath in, one out.
Trembling knees and wavering voice. YUP, good.
yes, breathing is good. I literally had to remind myself to do it back then. that was 6 years ago. I never would have imagined my life could be so different as it is today.
As much pain and angst as I was filled with then, it has been replaced with love and happiness.
Found you through Jay. Lovely poem! :)
jessica- thanks so much! come back,and stop by my regular blog No More Empty Fortune Cookes
I came across your page today & read this, very good read, I really enjoy your style of writing!
precariously - thanks! I hope you'll come back, and I hope you'll check out my main blog at www.nomoreemptyfortunecookies.com