I'm cooooooooooold. I miss seeing the dragonflies and bumblebees buzzing about in circular patterns only they can follow. I miss the dandelions growing amok in my yard chocking off the grass from proper growth.
I sometimes miss the perpetual mild weather of California, but it's a trade off'. The ground there has a tendency to open up and swallow buildings like a 3 day starved cow at the trough.
Why can't it just be 70 degrees and sunshiny year round without catastrophic seismic activity? That's not asking for too much. Is it? If it's not 70 and sunny, there needs to be at least 1 ft of snow on the ground and ample salt and plows for the streets. But cold without snow is like sex without an orgasm - anticlimactic. So, 70/sunshine or snow in the yard but not in the street...That's my perfect world. See, I'm easy to please - no matter what my wife may tell you.
Everybody seems to be longing for summer right now... I guess we've just all had enough of the cold already!
I just don't like cold and rain. I generally find the cold refreshing. And I love the snow. But the damp cold rain is killer.
Cool painting. I like the space around it and the texture.
thanks so much, Mary!