No More Empty Fortune Cookies!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Life on Life's Terms

Human emotions are fickle little things. They go from hurt to angry to hurt to happy with little provocation and can take us on a roller coaster of feelings with little or no warning.
I never mind too much when unexpected joy creeps's that bastard of a mood killer, anger, that really grates my goat.

Anger is the fuel driving jealousy, pain, and overall dissatisfaction. In short, anger drives the Life Sucks Express.

I try to deal with that pesky little bastard through writing. Here in my blog, in my journal, in poetry...wherever. It's healthier than acting on it physically. When I'm really, really angry, I take it out on Wii Fit's rhythm boxing, but that doesn't always cure it, just curbs it down to a somewhat manageable level.

When I wrote about the Wifester's frenemies,  I was AAAAANGRY. Still am a little bit- to be honest, but the Wifester feels better about it, so I am working on letting it go.

It does make a difference that one of her coworkers, the one she felt closest to - the one she calls her best friend, finally called her over the weekend. They had productive conversation, and I feel somewhat better about that whole situation for my Wifester.

I do still feel hurt for her that it took over a month for that to happen - but that's my problem. I have to let go of my expectations of other people. Rarely does anyone ever live up to them, and I know that's because I place high, and yes, sometimes unrealistic expectations upon those around me.

I'm still working on this whole life on life's terms stuff, and it can be a bitch. But like they say, that's the stuff that makes us grow. 

2 cookies cracked:

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

I've been mostly away from blogging lately (getting the house ready to go up for sale is one reason but not the whole story) -- and I had to read back over a few months of your posts to get the gist of what's been going on in your life. I'm so sorry to learn of your visual prognosis! I do hope you can make the things happen that will make you most happy in the long run... those trips, those sights you most want to see. The memories will hold you over for many years.

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Regarding anger and frustration; I've always wanted a punching bag. So when everyone drives me to my angriest because I can't be everything to everyone and those times when no one seems satisfied -- regardless of what sacrifices I make...

I wanna' beat and kick the tar out of something until all of that negative energy is released. It be a good calorie burn too; I can get pretty cranky. :-P