It was a wonderful visit with the Wifester's family and lots and lots of fun was had. We toured around town and played monopoly (did you know you don't get monopoly cash anymore? for reals, it's credit cards!) and played at parks all weekend. That means I had plenty of opportunity to catch some photos for the WWC this week!
The ever delightful and awe inspiring Etsy guru, Tink challenged us with the words Opening and Spring.
Here's my interpretations:
and remember, if youre a joiner and want to play along, visit Tink for the 411...
What cute toes! The texture of the wood underneath ads a cool element. I also love your interpretation of the word "opening". Well done this week! :)
Never pass up a chance to blow bubbles!
Great job on the words this week.
That's how I know spring really is here... when I can wear flip flops outside!
You did awesome!
I may have to try my eye at this :)
Excellent pictures. The bubbles are fantastic, and I can almost smell the mules. Well done.
Excellent pictures. The bubbles are fantastic, and I can almost smell the mules. Well done.
I love bubbles!!! Wonderful, and lovely toes! I need a pedicure. Great job.
Great WWC play! I loved the bubbles the most!
I can't believe I missed this! Love the bubble shot, that is wonderful! Um...Mule Day? Great shots.