"What the hell are you talking about now?" I retorted, somewhat amused and slightly defensive. After she gained control of her sudden outburst of chuckles and ha-ha's, she went on to say that in my post the other day, the one about our anniversary coming up, she felt like I had misled my readers, you, my peeps.
What, what what???!!!
Explains Wifester, "You said we didn't second-date U-haul!" For those who aren't familiar with the term or it's origins, lesbians are infamous for moving in together after 2 or three dates. Don't ask me why, just accept that that's what many lesbians do. We however, most certainly did not.
We didn't. I moved out of my apartment and into Wifester's house after what I thought had been a full year after we started dating...she reminded me that I kept insisting it be a full year, but we actually only made it to the 6 month mark, at which time I caved in and said I'd move in with her. Ok, so I was in fact wrong on that detail. I conceed, we didn't wait a full year to move in. I'm sorry to have mislead you on that. It truly was not intentional. That, however, isn't even the point Wifester was gunning for. She went on to propose the notion that after our second date, we spent every day together. There was one night that I made her go home saying "We can't spend EVERY night together..." But in her opinion, for all intents and purposes, we were already living together.
I say no way, Jose! She still had her house, which she paid all her bills at, and I had my apartment which I did the same for. All my stuff was at my place, all her stuff at hers. Sure, there was the extra toothbrush at the other's house, I mean, come on, you need that. And we each had our overnight bags ready at all times. We simply enjoyed each other's company from the start. That doesn't mean we second date U-hauled. If I wanted her to leave, I could say "Go home" and she had a home to go to, and vice versa. That option was still there. I say we U-hauled when we actually rented the U-haul, terminated my lease, packed my shit, moved it into her place, and began sharing bills. That's living together, and that did not happen until 6 months down the road.
We're at a stalemate. She feels we Second Date U-hauled, I feel we didn't.
So, I'm putting the question out there to you. What do you think? Leave your comments and please, vote ...it's up there in the top right corner...vote early and vote often!
I'm siding with you on this one. No way is six months a second-date-u-haul.
I'm with you FC. Moving in is just that--moving in your sh**.
I am with you. Just because you spend every waking moment aside from work together doesn't mean you are living together. Ya all were just spending the night with one another. You can't move in with someone until there is only one place of residence. =O)
Sorry Wifester, that wasn't "living together".
Can I borrow the fuzzy boxing gloves?
We spent every day AND every night with each other from our second date on with the exception of ONE night. Plus there was a little more than just a toothbrush at each others house. Like my dog and most of my clothes at her place. Fortune Cookies says tomato and I say tomahto. LOL!
FC is correct as usual, and my little beagle would look cute with fuzzy pink gloves.
I personally had never heard of u-hauling until this moment. Learn something new everyday! I know Wifester stayed with you a lot Cookie and vice versa. But don't think it was living together until you gave up your apt. SO......(drum roll please).....I'm with you :-) Tiff
Ok, Lesbian opinion here.
You spent EVERY day together except one?
And so the question is...
WAS it JUST a toothbrush that was left at the other's house? Or were you living together in two homes? ;)
Thank you RLL! We were living together in two homes.
Tiff - I thought you would have my back but then again I don't cook for you like FC does!
Nah, it doesn't count until both of your stuff is in ONE location. I tried to get Hoop to move in with me after a few months, since he was spending all his time at my house anyway, but he refused...
Until four months later when he was sick of me pestering him about it.
I think the technical definition clearly says no. However in spirit, as are many things of the heart, yes.
THANK YOU everyone who checked in on this!
Especially those of you who agreed with me!!! :) Rebel/Saint, MagMom, Susie, Anndi, Gary, and Tiff, Much LOVE to YAH! ;)
RLL,Wifester, and G-man, I see your points, and I do concede that we were practically living together in two homes, however, we did not actually move in together until much later. And me, being the " I need things to be clear and concise" person that I am, draw a distinct difference between the two. Things did change when I gave up my apt and moved into her house. I felt like I had to make a home again. It was a next step in the relationship, whereas, in the past, when I have let someone move in with me after the second date, for reals, it was a whole different ball game. Suddenly I was stuck providing shelter for this chick who I hardly knew.
Not so with Wifester and I, we got to know each other before we finalized that merge.
Oh, and Much LOVE to you guys too, even if you didn't agree with me ;)
I am siding with you. There is a huge difference between spending all your time at someone's place and changing your residence. HUGE. DIFFERENCE.