I finally got to finish my Judy Garland that everyone thought was Liza Minnelli. Hopefully now she looks like Judy. If not, oh well, I tried. If you want to see her, you can check her out at my art blog or at my etsy.
OPNSense and checking what is blocking
1 month ago
You're so talented.
I was glazing a mermaid today and thinking of you (pics blobbed tomorrow).
FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!
You're an amazing artist. Beautiful! I hope you and the wifester can make it next Thursday night for the LaV get-together at Sir Pizza.
That is beautiful. Amazing!
Yup, definitely Judy Garland. Very nice!
Hope you're feeling better!
Hope you feel better. We're sick and tired of sick days.
I think she absolutely looks like Judy! Well done! You're such a talented chick. I hope you feel better soon.
I hope you feel better!
She looks like Judy to me. Nice job!!