The Great Schlep aims to have Jewish grandchildren visit their grandparents in Florida, educate them about Obama, and therefore swing the crucial Florida vote in his favor. Don’t have grandparents in Florida? Not Jewish? No problem! You can still become a schlepper and make change happen in 2008, simply by talking to your relatives about Obama.
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1 month ago
OMG that was Legen... wait for it...
DARY!!! parents live in New York and they are Mister and Missus Archie Bunker, no way they vote for Obama....course, their votes don't mean doodley squat in NY this year....
I love her, and I love this video! I come from a Jewish family, which makes this all the more funny! :D Glad you posted it.
OMG!!! I hadn't seen this before. Too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My chuckle for the day.
Happy hump day gal!!!!
How funny! Thanks for the laugh! I needed it this morning!
I like Sarah Silverman. She is hysterical. Maybe because I am gentile, but there would be no convincing my old relatives to vote for a democrat....let alone a black man.
I might get cut out of the will for such crazy thoughts ;-)
That was funny. I wish I had grandparents. I wish I had grandparents that lived in the states that could vote. That way I could get dual citizenship and spend the winters somewhere warm. Yes, it is all about me.
I really hope that no-one screws with the election results in FL this time.
stacy- wasn't it, though?!
gary- my folks aren't voting for obama either, no way, no how. sad.
jessica-my family isn't Jewish, but I can certainly appreciate the humor. I love her too!
tt- glad I could give you a chuckle on hump day!
rll- I owed you one! You came through for me on the art class ;)
karen- I hear yah, my parents are republican all the way. I think it's sad when people vote straight down the party line without looking at what a person actually stands for. I'd vote across party lines if I truly backed a candidate's position.
reb- you're always welcome at our place, it's warm here in the south! And FL isn't the only place that we have to worry about votes
and and honestly, there's a ton of these stories all over from all the swing states.
Think I can get a Bubby to adopt me?