OPNSense and checking what is blocking
1 month ago
"Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost” - Thomas Jefferson
The only home that our species has ever known
is being poisoned, pillaged and mauled in the name of Almighty Capitalism…
I watch helplessly on the sidelines, day after day
While plumes of insidious, thick muck makes its way
through once viable waters and drifts ashore
Bringing with it dead fish…
…dead turtles…
…dead birds…
My heart feels as heavy as the oil is thick
and there is still not end in sight.
I cry for the lives lost
The lives changed
The past that can never be recovered.
I wonder how we move forward from this tragedy
I wonder how we prevent a recurrence…
My simplistic ruminating serves no purpose to anyone
Except maybe to remind me that I need to stop watching the news.
Angela J. Schleicher ©2010